Archive for category Culture

Pluto Square Uranus: Notes from a Fire

Jemez Fire 2013

Jemez Fire 2013

Here is a beautiful example of how the macrocosmic celestial relationships, whose symbolic meanings often feel so ungraspable, translate into our daily lives at the microcosmic level.  This is what the delivery of the Thunderbolt (Uranus) of Destruction (Pluto) in square actually looks and feels like right here on terra firma.  As many of you know, I do live in the Jemez Mountains and this fire did start just a mile from my home.  Fortunately for me and my small neighborhood, it began east of us, with winds blowing east.  However, it’s presence has been huge and overwhelming and, though I am safe here to the West of it, I know so many flora dying and ache for the fauna (including humans) that are threatened and struggling in its path.  What I am including here is a series of “reports” I wrote to friends in Santa Fe and some of their responses which, as a whole, I believe can illuminate the deep feelings held by so many on this planet as we traverse the series of Squares between these two planets through 2015.  They are, indeed, “sparking” destructive changes, the opening of old and buried wounds, and the transformation of them into something larger than our personal circumstances.  It’s about personally and universally connecting to events that effect us all, though in our individual ways.  In addition to these written exchanges, I have had many calls from clients, as well as conversations with village friends, regarding the welling up of sorrows and fears, intensive periods of overwhelming fatigue to an almost narcoleptic degree, as well as sudden personal crises whose end appears in doubt.  This is exactly what this epoch is all about and, as these exchanges reveal, the deep and abiding drive to heal.

If you are willing to make your way through them, it is my hope that the progression in the “calls and responses” between myself and friends will elucidate the natural progression from the first “numb and dumb” recognition of a new reality and it’s often concomitant attention to “facts” (a good way to find control in uncontrollable circumstances) toward a more full and contemplative reflection on the symbolism of events, which is what astrology, life, transition and death are all about.  It is also the core of what will be required of us through the Uranus/Pluto squares and klieg lights of sudden changes through the next few years.  They will bring the destruction and, which will then open the way for the “something new.”  But we have to extend our horizons and think long-term, just as the twists and turns of this fire have required those of us in its immediate vicinity to do.  This requires endurance and courage and the simple ability to sometimes just sit with ourselves and cry.  It, like aging, is definitely not for the faint of heart.

Before you continue, please do pardon the rather interesting formatting throughout.  These exerpts are directly taken out of e-mails and, given all the various fonts and compatibilities of the digital world, I have not been able to format it all here in any uniform manner.  Perhaps another metaphor for our confusing and disconnected world at the moment.  Though that is a vestige of a past structure now falling down.

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A Room Full of Cocks Crowing: The End of the Piscean Age

article-2276884-17832D42000005DC-528_634x423I can think of no other more appropriate transition from the Piscean age, which began approximately 2000 years ago when christianity established itself as a spiritual authority (the phrase itself is an oxymoron as there is no authority within spirituality, only within artificial religions) and the Aquarian age, which faces us now and begs us to accept and traverse unknown territory.

The current Pope’s resignation is symbolic of the millenia-old patriarchal and hierarchical culture of control, violence, deceit, perversions and total cowardice, established during the beginning of the Piscean age, that must crumble and fall if we are to enter into the Age of Aquarius with any awareness and wakefulness at all.

The current demise of that outdated culture/structure (Pluto in Capricorn now), founded 2000 years ago, during which the authority of Western males was firmly established to the detriment of female wisdom, personal authenticity, peaceful relationships with others and the desire to acknowledge individual talents in service to the greater whole, is one to be celebrated.

These red cocks wearing their girlish costumes (which once belonged to the province of temple priestesses – now aped in bizarre frocks worn by men and demeaned by them), must be cast aside if we are to enter into the Aquarian concepts of community, right relationships and the attainment of higher Mind.

Aquarians are all about creativity of the Mind and individual expression of personal, spiritual meaning, and we must all yield to their heralding changes.  In the same light, we must acknowledge those of Piscean heritage who will usher out the last two millenia of travesty that began with our age.  Sorrow and the transmission of learned lessons are what those born in Pisces (and/or those with charts heavy in Pisces/Calypso/Chiron) have to hold during this transition.  WE do know the wounds inflicted over this past era and we can, indeed, communicate the errors of those ways.

The skirted, poof-ball perverts of the Catholic Church, which established extraordinarily ridiculous theories and behaviors at the beginning of the Piscean age, have led us all astray during these two millennia of their rule in left-brain, boy thought, orthodox behavior for far too long.  When I use the word “poof ball,” I am not referring to someone’s sexual orientation (though these guys have some serious hangups in general around sexuality);  I am referring to a person’s utter lack of courage, honesty and integrity.  The word is actually the informal name of a member of the edible fungi family – a mushroom.  They are usually round and are distinguished by their ephemeral, fragile structure.  If one squeezes a poof ball, millions of spores “poof” from its insides, after which it collapses.  So, originally, referring to someone as a poof ball did mean that they were a lot of air with very little substance.

Let’s all watch the pope run and hide just as the Church’s dirty laundry is washing in on the tide.  I see there is a reason to thank Pluto for her revelations of secrets and lies at this time, as well as her influences in the collapse of useless structures.

What shall happen as Calypso, the true ruler/goddess of the seas and oceanic spirituality of the people (mis-named by males as Neptune) moves through Pisces over the next 10 years, will be the drowning of those patriarchal robes, ermine capes and false red slippers in the waters of transformation.  Dorothy, where are you and will you please, for all of us, click your ruby sequined slippers?  We are being asked to realize that there is, indeed, no place like home and I hope we can all begin to awaken and recognize the true members of our small communities once again.  And, it is going to take diligence and work on the part of us all.

If any of those red-capped boys were at all functioning out of honesty or integrity, they would immediately suspend the upcoming joke of “choosing a new Pope,”  throw up their hands and say, “We failed.  Most miserably, in a quest for spirituality.”  Each and every one of them would resign if they had any conscience.

Alas, no, they will, even in the face of all facts as to their pedophilic, bank fraudulent and corrupt behaviors, try to pump themselves up like adolescent boys on viagra.  We should all laugh and walk away from their theatrical gesticulations at this point.  The emperors/popes are all, indeed, rendered naked.  Better for all of us to simply turn away as they embarrass themselves once again before humanity.  It is the polite thing to do, though politeness is far more than any of them deserve. Read the rest of this entry »

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The Drunken Master, Crazy Wisdom and the Shining Light

Okay, so, I AM spending a great deal more time over THERE on my Taoist blogsite.  You know, the Tao just comes in flow, just as astrology does.  I have decided to simply “let go” of what and where I should be doing anything and invite my readers to experience the rhythmic, non-linearly-delineated wisdoms of, well, kinesthetic wisdom.  I have so many interests and, in my younger days, felt guilty when I was doing one thing as opposed to another.  I felt that I was neglecting something I should be doing while attending to something else.  Now that I have entered a different phase and different perspective of life, I realize how the movement between each subject and activity only enlivens and enriches the others.  No, it’s not conventional and may, at times, seem crazy or inattentive, but, just like the wonderful man in the photo here, over time, it all makes sense.

A wonderful man I once knew, my acupuncturist, who was actually my star twin (born within two weeks of each other) told me that, being a Taoist, one becomes the interstitial fluid that flows through and into each and every cell of the body.  We flow.  Others choose to be the stationary cell, but we choose to move between millions of those cells.  Neither one can be what it is without the other.  Flow depends on the stationary and the stationary depends on the flow.  It all comes down to discerning choice.  Emphasis on Discerning and Choice.  Know what it is you are choosing to do and all becomes right.

So, I hope you stay with me in the flow of life and the tao and astrology and all other subjects that bear upon our lives at the moment.  As that famous quote states:  “Every tangent turns into a circle, if you just have the patience to wait long enough.” I am over there right now. With my crazy, drunk masters of light.   Hope you can make the journey.

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Venus Rising

Here is the essence of Venus crossing the sun and rising:  a woman (not a girl) owning herself.  More to come.  But, you know, this is why, in my blog, I will shortly be discussing why males have no business teaching females about their sexuality: tantric, kundalini or otherwise.

You know why?

Because she already knows what she is doing.  Always has.  Our work, if we want to become men and women, instead of just boys and girls playing boy games for vacuous entertainment, is to recognize her for who she is in her own right.

Notice how all the men (and they are men) musicians simply support her while she expresses herself?  That is how it is supposed to be.

She isn’t on that stage “performing.”  She is on that stage revealing herself as she is, for who she is.

She is not there for your pornographic fantasies, boys, nor as a warm-up for your phallic pleasures.  Not at all.  She stands complete unto herself and will not be denied. Those supporting male musicians know that.  And, look, they are celebrating it.  So, let’s all start to bend our minds and imaginations into THAT reality.  Because that reality is the only one that is going to save any of us at this point.

This video is the absolutely, perfect metaphor for our times:  Venus eclipsing the Sun.  A long time coming and a much needed alteration in our course of being.

So, sit back and listen, all you boys and girls, and try to learn something new for once.  Grow up.



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New Directions

Dear friends and readers:

Yes, it has been a while since I have posted.  This is not due to neglect but, rather, because I have been re-directing my attention to other avenues of thought and creativity.

Most of you are aware that I have incorporated, over time, the philosophy of the Tao into my astrological writings and readings.

After much contemplation and a feeling of being torn between two places of thought and interest, though both dovetail seamlessly into my consultations, I find that I have needed to devote a greater amount of my time right now to developing another of my websites, which is dedicated solely and entirely to my writings and classes about the ancient Tao.

I have, indeed, been developing that website and initiating my classes devoted solely to that pursuit.  Such contemplations and writings have been stimulated by my renewed commitment to teaching and interpreting the ancient (versus traditional or conventional) Tao.  It has been a long time in coming as I have been engaged in the philosophy and practice of the Tao for many years.  Reflections upon it never cease to delight me, as well as encourage new ways of thinking and being in the world.

I will continue to write here of astrological interests and find that my need to write of the ancient Tao does, indeed, completely resonate with our most recent collective experience of Venus crossing the Sun – a once in a 105 (or so) year occurrence.

We should, indeed, all sit up and take notice, as many of our own progeny will never experience it and all of us who witnessed it are fortunate to have done so.  My own mother never did during her lifetime. In that light, I have initiated my separate website on the ancient Tao, which, I hope, may begin to elucidate and transmit the feminine Tao, so long lost amidst, betwixt and between our patriarchally- and hierarchically-oriented culture.

Venus crossing the Sun means that the Divine Feminine, if allowed to do so in this place and time, can lead us into new paradigms of equality with one another.  Such equality means we must divest ourselves of old paradigms of male/female relationships and to forge new ways of being with each other.  The death of the old social/cultural paradigms of boy/girl dating/relating are over.  Here, we have the opportunity to start to meet each other as adult men and women within a more holistic understanding of the world and our place within it.  That will take listening to our guts (solar plexus) and acting with guts.  Risk-taking is the order of the day and, after many years of contemplation, I realized my own need to do so.   Such are the writings of my new website, which will, ultimately, inform and direct my writings here. They always have.  It is just that, at this juncture in our (and my own) history, I choose to address such issues more directly than I feel I have been able with the focus here of astrology as its main concern.

I will indeed, write of that rare occurrence of Venus and her crossing of our Sun shortly.  But, for now, I do invite you to visit my new website: to find out more about what I am doing these days, as well as to read of new days ahead for all of us.

Thank you all for your continued support and reading of this site.  I have not forgotten all of you.  I have, in fact, been forging a new way for myself and all of us to think about ourselves in a larger context and, whether here or there, I will address those issues.

in light,


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Of Dreams, Calypso and Humanity

I awoke last night out of a dream in which I experienced myself as nothing more than a small point of awareness passing through a very brief moment in a particular time in history. Like a small stone passing through our atmosphere.  It wasn’t an intellectual realization, but, rather, a kinesthetic and right brain sensation of understanding.  A very pleasant, soft knowing of becoming nothing.  We strive so often and work so hard here to become something and forget the entire point is to become its opposite.  We spend so much time thinking about the world after we are gone and yet, seem never to contemplate the fact that the world has been for billions of years before we ever were.  And it did just fine without us, individually and collectively.  I think we would all do better if we were to contemplate that larger time frame, rather than our own.

At any rate, such musings are not new and others have written of similar matters before.  What was a turning point for me was that one inside of which the gap between intellectual knowledge and kinesthetic wisdom is bridged.  That bridge arrived not in the throes of full dream time, but inside that twilight of half-awake/half-asleep space where an easy flow of stream of consciousness can be experienced.  It is the space within which the mind can heal itself:  allowing the connections between the abstract, non-verbal, right brain realms and the concrete, linear left brain arena to intertwine and weave themselves into the Holistic Mind.

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Climate Change: The Heart of the Matter

Our news and radio waves have featured multitudes of arguments over whether global warming/cooling is caused by human activities or by natural events in our solar system.  As per usual, the juveniles amongst us, most of whom control media, have set up this consideration in the all too familiar structural framework of whose team wins.  We all know it, were trained within it as high schoolers at football games, and with which we continue to function as children in adult bodies:  who is the winning team?  Reds versus blues, science versus religion, girls versus boys, etc., etc., blah blah boring.

We should all be aware and savvy enough by now to know that there are many who exploit panic for profit.  That is a given.  Yes, some have, indeed, selfishly positioned themselves to profit from carbon emissions reductions and the like.  Anybody who has done their own research by now knows that Al Gore, Mr. Non-Integrity, positioned himself on the board of the carbon emissions trading commission to line his pockets with the gold of hysteria even before he went out on stage to present his global warming message.

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A Quiet New Year

While most of America stuffs itself with its over abundance of wants, things, desires and self-importance, makes all kinds of noises about its alleged level of intelligence, comments on political races made up of people who should actually be laughed off the stage if we had any sense, and sits, mesmerize, by all the news of international, political and football battles and such, I happened upon this video.

It captures the true predicament we have made for ourselves and the “collateral damage” of our participation in all of it with our own people and within our own selves, right here at home.  Time to explore the borders of our own internal landscapes at a more adult level.  As within, so without.

In light on the journey.

Click below for the video.

A Voice in the Desert

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The Astrological Forecast for 11/11/11 at 11

This is the celestial outlook for that master number on that master day at the master hour we have all been promised.  Many are anticipating this moment’s arrival with much excitement and many celebrations of the meditative kind are planned throughout the world.  This is the moment many in the new age/ascensionist movement have been waiting for, couching it in terms of our mass spiritual lift-off from our mundane, terrestrial bonds.

The celestial arrangement overhead on that day does, indeed, contain a lovely, harmonious Grand Trine between Pluto, Jupiter and Mars.  They are all, however, firmly rooted in the Earth signs:  Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo, respectively.  This particular Grand Trine is actually what is known as a kite, and the anchoring thread and intended bulls eye is Neptune/Chiron in Aquarius/Pisces.  At the time, the Sun and Moon will be just past their full opposition, with Sun in Scorpio and Moon in Taurus.  Earth, water and the overall motion of descent are the actual overall themes in this particular transit.

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Tales from the Scrypt: Stumbling Out onto the Road

“I am the hero of my own story.”  Mary Macarthy

Answering the Call to the Hero’s Journey

I have finally landed on the other side – released the “pause button,” as it were, though the landing and becoming have required sufficient time and space to find each other and form the beginning steps of the dance of the narrative they are meant to create together.  I am now five weeks into a vision quest I decided to take because, well, vision questing has been the overall narrative of my life thus far and I found myself needing, once again, to acquiesce to its seemingly irrational rhyme and reason.  Such calls to meanderings have, and continue to, confound me, though the unwrapping of their gifts and treasures I know always lasts far into future . . . most often into lifetimes.

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